'Learn how to rub your ears... and enjoy the relaxation!'

Ear reflexology: & the fetal position.

What is Ear Reflexology?

Ear reflexology is a fast-growing therapy. Like hand reflexology, ear reflexology can be applied quickly and easily in situations or health conditions where other forms of reflexology may not be suitable.

The history of ear reflexology can be traced back to Chinese and Egyptian medical work of about 3000 to 4000 years ago. Ear reflexology is a diagnostic and healing treatment that stimulates points on the ear that correspond to different parts of the body. Ear reflexology is based on zones and points in the ear which relate to the meridians and other parts of the body.

Every ear is unique and no two are alike - the ears are like the fingerprints and can be read to reveal our inner nature. The points for ear reflexology are similar to those in auricular therapy, a.k.a. ear acupuncture. Pioneering work by Chinese doctors over the last 40 years has lead to the World Health Organisation authorising the standardisation of the points on the ear in 1990.

Ear reflexology: essential oils books chart.

The Benefits of Ear Reflexology!

The basic principle of hand reflexology is derived from how the central nervous system works via a so-called 'reflex arc' - which induces a body reflex response without getting the brain involved (the so-called 'primitive reflexes' also work according this principle).

Ear Reflexology can benefit you in many ways, but the most notable is for the instant relief of pain. It can also be used for clearing infections, lowering blood pressure and balancing hormones. In traditional Chinese medicine the ears are associated with the kidneys, which reflex our constitutional strength. The ears they are the same size and shape as the kidneys.

The WHO defined 91 auricular points, including: the master points (10 ear points), the functional I and II points (24 ear points), the digestive points (7 ear points), the endocrine glands & brain nuclei points (7 ear points), the head + skull and sensory points (12 ear points), the toracic points (7 ear points), and the abdominal & urogenital points (23 points).

Ear Reflexology is commonly used with foot and hand reflexology and can confirm a diagnosis suggested by imbalances in the feet and hand reflex points.


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Functional Ear Points I and II include:

The constipation ear point, mercury toxicity, alcoholic point, analgesic point, cirrhosis ear point, muscle relaxation point, vitality point, appetite control, nicotine point, mania point, and the hypertension 2 point | Psychosomatic 1 point, weather point, heat point, insomnia point 1, insomnia point 2, alertness point, anti-depressant 1 point, aggresivity point 1, and the master omega.

The Endocrine and Brain Nuclei points:

Pineal gland ear point, thyroid gland, ovary or testes, adrenal gland point, limbic system point, amygdala and the hippocampus ear point | The head skull and jaw ear points are related to: the occiput, temple ear point, forehead, TMJ and the vertex ear point | Face, tongue and teeth ear points are: dental analgesia 1, dental analgesia 2, and the face ear point.

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